Day Ticket 40lb Common

Braving 50mph winds, chasing Chinese takeaway and catching 40lb commons! We caught up with @luisweltonfishing about his recent trip to Berners Hall day ticket lake in Essex. Here’s how he got on…
Thames River Monsters

We were lucky enough to catch up with the one and only @ash_geden. If you don’t know who that is then you may recognise him as the guy who caught that truly stunning unknown 40lb+ Zip Linear Mirror Carp from the river Thames this month. We asked him to give us an insight into his […]
Scaddan Snares ‘James Fish’ at 47lb 2oz

We caught up with @nickyscaddan about his recent capture of, what is easily, one of the most sought after Carp in the UK.
Stella Session for Droz

Our friend @alexdroz.nt has been tackling The Essex Manor with some good results of late. However it’s fair to say his most recent 24hr session was a Stella weekend! We spoke to the man himself…
Bayeswater Fisheries

Bayeswater Fisheries Day ticket carp lakes near Chelmsford in Essex. Buy Day Tickets